hp8970 - HP 8970A and HP 8970B noise figure meter software
hp8970 is a set of computer programs to control and collect data from the HP 8970A and HP 8970B noise figure meters. You can download it
here The program is alpha software, but is useable.
Sorry the documentation is not great, but I'll provide
support to anyone by email to david.kirkby@onetel.net. The programs include:
- enr. This can be used to either:
- upload ENR vs frequency data to the noise figure meter from a file stored on a computer's hard disk. This has only been tested on the HP 8970A and it not expected to work on the HP 8970B which allows multiple ENR tables to be stored.
- Download data from the noise figure meter to a disk file.
- gnf_f. This is used to collect data on the both the gain and noise figure as a function of frequency. Measurement can be made at any number of differenet frequencies. Measurements are made only once.
- gnf_t. This is used to collect data on the both the gain and noise figure as a function of time. Measurements are made multiple times at one frequency, so this can be used to look at the drift of components.
- HP8970cmd displays the GPIB commands the HP 8970A supports, and describes briefly what they are. It does not control the instrument at all.
- HP8970err displays the complete list of error messages that the HP 8970A can produce . It does not control the instrument at all.
- power_f displays the noise power with the diode source on and off as a function of frequency. Mesurements are made once at each frequency. This uses special functions 9.3 and 9.4 to display the noise power
- rxgpib is a general purpose program, which can be used with any GPIB instrument. It simply reads the data being sent by the instrument
- txgpib is a general purpose program, which can be used with any GPIB instrument. It simply it simply sends a command to the instrument and then views the instrument's response.
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